Thursday, July 26, 2012

President Obama’s Master Teacher Corps

                President Obama recently announced plans to create an elite master teacher corps program to help improve student achievement in science, technology, engineering, and math.  Believing that a master teacher corps would aid in closing the achievement gap in the US and abroad, President Obama is encouraging “high-performing” teachers to apply for the corps.

                Teachers who are selected to the corps will be sharing their knowledge and skills with other teachers and educators over a several year period.  While additional information about the program is forthcoming, participants in the master teacher corps will receive an additional $20,000 a year for their service.  President Obama hopes that improving the quality of teachers will improve the quality of education for all students which will spur future economic growth[i].

                The idea of building a master teacher corps is not a new or innovative concept.  The idea was established in response to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 when the US was behind in the “space” race.  The establishment of the National Science Foundation was founded to address the quality of our country’s space program and to ensure our educational system is providing the skills and knowledge for future scientist, mathematicians and engineers.  There are also other teacher quality programs in other divisions of the federal government.

                Investing in the overall quality of science, technology, engineering, and math is area where there is high need is necessary to the future of innovation and our economy.  However, equally important is improving the foundation of education: reading. 

                Often overlooked in our zeal to catch up with our international competitors, reading is underestimated in most of our educational initiatives/reform efforts.  Although there are benchmarks and standardized tests that track reading progress, a majority of children in the US read below their grade level.  Before a child can truly develop an aptitude for science, technology, engineering and math, they first should be able to read, comprehend, and synthesize information at their grade level. 

                President Obama should add reading teachers to the corps to help decrease the reading gap by helping children, their families and school districts emphasize reading.  Going beyond the 100 book reading challenges and general book reports, there is a need for classes that specifically focus on the foundational elements of reading, comprehension, and synthesis.  In the early grades, there is a focus on the elements of reading, comprehension and synthesis.  Unfortunately, the upper grades emphasize comprehension and synthesis which is covered under English and Literature.

                Our failure to focus on reading at all levels isolates children from fulfilling their academic potential because they cannot fully participate in the technical content of science, technology, engineering, and math.  Since they cannot fully participate, they doubt themselves and mentally check out or become disruptive.

                By getting more children to master reading, comprehension and synthesis, the achievement gap in the US and abroad should decrease significantly, increase the number of children interested in pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math, and spur future economic growth.  Let’s provide our children with a solid reading foundation.

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