As we prepare to celebrate the holiday season we are often asked what our New Year’s Resolution is. Many people want to make more money, some want to lose weight and others want the new year to be better than the last year.
This upcoming year I would like to ask all of those people who occupied city hall, town centers, and Wall Street to take that same passion and energy and give it to our public schools. I would like to ask all the people who were outraged and saddened by the documentary “Waiting on Superman” to take that feeling of hopelessness and turn it into hope at our public schools. And for those who like to complain about their tax money being squandered by schools districts, it is time to get involved in your tax investment.
Our public schools are in great need of individuals who can offer their expertise during these tough economic times. There are a number of schools who need mentors, tutors, reading coaches, and other volunteers to work with students to improve areas of need and enhance strengths. There are also students who need assistance with planning for post high school life. There are some students who need assistance applying to college and other post-secondary high school programs, assistance with SAT prep, and financial aid paperwork. There are also students who need assistance with preparation to enter the workforce after high school.
For those whose talents may not be working directly with students, your talents’ can be used to advocate at the city and private sector. Individuals can lobby on behalf of public schools at the state or local level to end some of the bureaucracy that stifles schools from being innovative. Individuals can also lobby the private sector to adopt a school, provide internships, or help to raise funds for scholarships, building refurbishment or technology. Individuals can also lobby at the state level for greater equitable funding for public schools.
The statement made by the occupy movement has demonstrated that the 99% is tired of business as usual and they want the country to change. The next phase of the occupy movement should be to demand more from our public educational system. Education is the gateway to unlimited opportunity in the global economy. Occupying public education may ensure the next generation will be 50% and moving toward a more equal society.
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