Thursday, April 5, 2012

Reforming the Evaluation & Tenure Process of Teachers

            In this current era of educational reform, the focal point of discussion has been how to fundamentally change the evaluation of teachers and how they obtain tenure.  Calling for uniformity and transparency, legislators at both state and federal levels, parents, and educational advocates are examining ways to infuse weightier evaluation processes to measure effectiveness on student achievement.  The proponents of reform may have found a new ally for their cause.

            According to a report by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Scholastic Education, 10,000 pre-K-12 teachers were questioned about their satisfaction, environment, and views on school policies.  The results of the report found that a large number of teachers support fundamental changes to the evaluation of teachers and tenure[i].

            The report found that when surveyed about tenure, most teachers felt tenure should take up to five years to obtain.  Over 90 percent believed that tenure should reflect teacher effectiveness and not protect ineffective teachers.  The report also found that when surveyed about the evaluation of teachers, most teachers were supportive of more frequent and rigorous evaluations.  Over 85 percent supported the use of student achievement data in the overall evaluation process.  However, only 26 percent felt that standardized test scores were a true reflection of student learning[ii].

            This unlikely ally may provide the opportunity to bring meaningful reform to the evaluation and tenure process.  Utilizing the expertise of teachers in the development of an evaluation and tenure system will generate the “buy” in needed to successfully implement reform.  Traditionally, teacher voice has been an undervalued resource in the history of educational reform.  However, teacher voice is critical the piece to moving towards an effective evaluation and tenure system that will benefit children.

            The Gates/Scholastic report provided some very promising data that can be used to develop an effective teacher evaluation and tenure system.  If teachers are invited to the reform table and their voice is utilized, a successful, sustainable evaluation and tenure system can be achieved.

[ii] ibid

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